250 stallions ready for approval for KWPN

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In another section devoted to the KWPN studbook yesterday in Ermelo it recorded another success in the final stage of selection of candidates for approval.
The finalists have reached a total of 205 stallions, 117 for show-jumping, 84 in dressage, plus 4 other geldings.President Wim Ernestine was satisfied with the quality achieved in these first selections that will end with the final stage in Den Bosch.
All information on these stallions can be tracked on the database at KWPN web including maternal bloodlines and genetic profiles.
In testing, 10 of the 11 mares tested passed the test, the best of these was Filinda ( Zhivago ) that received 90 points for its gait last summer and has qualified for the National Mare Show yesterday with 86 points in movement, confirming its high potential in the dressage, with good balance and better posture in the event apart from its other qualities.Also very talented is the mare out of Winningmood, Feature Princess who got a total of 81.5 and that has distinguished itself for its flexibility and considerable movements.
In show jumping the mare with the highest score went to NMK Fionapina Colada (Berlin x Wipina Colada from Indoctro ) with 78.5, as ever willing and diligent.

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