A look ahead to Fieracavalli Verona 2016

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The anticipation is rising ahead of the Verona leg of the FEI World Cup 2016/2017 which will be taking place at this year’s edition of the Fieracavalli Verona.
Verona’s equestrian extravaganza will be played out from November 10-13 with 700 horseboxes set to be installed for the competing performers.
Amongst the star riders going for the win we find the world no. 1 Simon Delestre who is going for the ‘double’ after the magnificent win in the 2015 leg of the World Cup.
A reminder that the Verona leg is the fourth of thirteen legs as part of the World Cup qualifiers for Western Europe. Designing the course will be once again Uliano Vezzani, a candidate for the Tokyo Olympics 2020.
For more information, see here: www.jumpingverona.it
source: press equi equipe

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