A look ahead to the show-jumping competitions taking place across the world.

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Following our preview of the CHIO Aachen, let’s round-up the other show-jumping events taking place across the international scene in the coming days.
In France there is the CSI4* Bourg en Bresse in which several riders have confirmed their attendance such as Marie Hecart with Myself de Breve, Jerome Hurel with Ohm de Ponthual, British horsewoman Yazmin Pinchen with Ashkari, Ireland’s Kenny Darragh with Picolo and 3 Italians: Emilio Bicocchi (Ares, Rockman de L’Abbaye and Rodgerio), Lorenzo De Luca (Balou de Coeur Joye, Ginnis van’t Geyzeven and Silverstras) along with Juan Carlos Garcia (Bonzai van de Warande, Gitano v Berkenbroek and Moka de Mescam). A live streaming service has been made available: http://www.csi-bourg.com/171/
Here is the complete list of riders set to be taking part: http://www.csi-bourg.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/liste-cavaliers-masterlist-2015.pdf
Let’s move onto Austria which is staging the CSI3* Lamprechtshausen. There will be plenty of opportunities for young riders to showcase their talents during the first stage of the European Youngster Cup. The final will be held from the 3rd to the 6th of December in Salzburg.
Moving south and to Portugal, the Mediterranean country will be hosting the CSIO3* Lisbon and the latest leg of the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup for the European second division. It’s a must watch event with qualification to the next European Championships 2015 at stake. Flying the flag for Italy are the following: Emanuele Massimiliano Bianchi (Loro Piana Cupido Z, Vadetta VH Mettenhof), Matilde Giorgia Bianchi (Coeur Blesse Z and Una Bella HS), Nicolò Vincenzo Callerio (Alfons and Darius), Clementina Grossi (Z Quasimod R) and Luigi Polesello (Panama Tame and Quarto Mail). See here for more: http://csiolisboa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/master-list-CSIO2015.pdf
There is another 3 star event taking place too in the USA in Tryon – http://tryon.coth.com/?show=2065
Finally, there are plenty of 2 star competitions being held across the globe: Tehran, Canada (British Columbia Open – http://www.tbird.ca/), Brazil (Sao Paulo – http://shp.org.br/evento/csi-e-csn-top-riders-circuito-sr-top/), China and Ireland (Mullingar – http://www.mullingarequestrian.com/)
source: fei.org

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