Athletica set to retire following Jumping Parma event


The Jumping Parma event also signaled the farewell and retirement of Athletica. Italian rider Giulia Martinengo Marquet who rode Athletica, paid tribute to the horse with the public also clearly moved posting their thanks and pictures on the rider’s Facebook profile after the event.
Born in Germany in 1998 to Libero H x Pretoria, nephew of Landgraf I and descendant of Grannus I, Athletica was Giulia Martinengo Marquet’s top horse and can boast a host of achievements in her career. A victory in the final of the 7 year old category at the Toscana Tour (Arezzo, 2005) and numerous finishes high up in the standings in national and international GP’s: third place in the CSI3* Pinerolo, second place in the CSI3* Cervia, second place in the CSI3* Porto and second place in the cat. 1.50m CSI5* La Coruna (2006).
In 2007: second place in the cat. 1.45m CSI5* San Patrignano, second place in the CSI3* GP Dresden, victory in the CSI3* GP Modena at the age of 9.
In 2008: fourth place in the GP CSIO in Rome and a victory in the Nations Cup at the CSIO in Linz, in 2009 fourth place in the GP CSI3* in Manerbio, fourth place in the cat. 1.50m CSI4* Moorsele, third place in the GP CSI3* Pioltello and victory in 145 at the CSI3* Pioltello.
Recent results have seen Athletica win the GP at the CSI3* in Royan, fourth place in 155 at the CSI4* in Bourg en Bresse, 2 podium finishes in the CSI3* Toscana Tour (third place in 145 and second place in 140), victory in 150 at the CSI4* in La Coruna, and a second place in the Nations Cup at the CSIO in Sopot.
Athletica can now concentrate on being a mum and who knows if she will surprise us with a future champion!

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