Juan Martin Zavaleta

What a 2023 edition! We had to wait until the very last game know the finalists of the 73rd Deauville Coupe d’Or. A breathtaking game, just like the rest of the tournament.

Six teams at the start and two at the finish line after fifteen thrilling encounters that brought the capricious month of August to life at the heart of the Deauville-La Touques racecourse. Of these fifteen matches, six were decided by the narrowest of margins, a goal or a half-goal, three of which were decided in sudden death overtime… and cruelly so.

Today’s game was no exception to the rule, and was full of twists and turns. Even if the score wasn’t quite so close, it doesn’t really reflect the reality of this tough game. Eternal J, a team with three Frenchmen in its ranks, held out for three periods, but in the fourth, the Barrière Polo Team made the difference, inflicting a 4-1 defeat in 7 minutes of play. The die was cast: Isabelle Larenaudie will be playing her first 16-goals final on Sunday, a year after setting up this fine team with the Zavaleta family, brothers Simon and Ramiro, and cousin Juan Martin, who had just returned from injury: “I think what made the difference today was our faster game. It wasn’t necessarily a question of play, it was more a question of mental strength. Our aim was to reach the final, and that’s done, now we have to think about winning it, which is another matter.” For the record, in the qualifying phase, Barrière easily defeated its future opponent in the final, 8-5… but in polo, nothing is ever written.

See you on Sunday from 5:30 p.m. to find out which of the two teams, Barrière or Los Dragones Rouge, led by handicap 8 Bautista Bayugar for young French captain Sam Sztarkman, will see its name engraved on the precious Coupe d’Or.

Happy as Ulysses

A fine performance by young Frenchman Ulysse Eisenchteter (18) who, on his birthday and with the help of French No. 1 Pierre Henri N’Goumou and Jules Legoubin, qualifies himself and his sister for the Bronze Cup final. His team, Mungo, will take on the strong Standing Rock team sunday at 2:30 p.m. …


Barrière Polo Team : Isabelle Larenaudie (h0, 1 goal), Simon Zavaleta (h5, 2 goals), Juan Martin Zavaleta (h7, 5 goals) and Ramiro Zavaleta (h4, 2 goals)

Eternal J : Alexis Morange (h0, 3 goals), Louis Jarrige (h4, 1 goals), Guillermo Terrera (h8, 3 goals) and Julien Reynes (h4)

Progression Barrière Polo Team : 1/1 – 3/2 – 5/4 – 9/5 – 10-7

Second finalist of the Coupe d’Or Lucien et Martha Barrière :

Los Dragones Rouges : Sam Sztarkman (h2), Jules Legoubin (h3), Baratolomé Bayugar (h4) et Bautista Bayugar (h8)

Press Release Deauville | Photo Juan Martin Zavaleta: “We played faster”… © R&B Presse/Pascal Renauldon

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