Brazil’s youth takes centre stage in Argentina.
Buenos Aires has been playing host recently to the South American youth championships and here below we check-out all the results for the Young Riders, Juniors and Children categories from the competitions to have taken place in Argentina.
Over 86 riders took part at Haras El Capricho which staged the event consisting of 10 different nationalities: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The hosts had plenty to cheer about winning the team event in the Children category and the gold of Santiago Orefici in the Junior category.
Here is the Argentina team that won the gold in the Children category with 10 penalties: Du Noble (Richard Kierkkegaard), Tres Marias Dominique (Lautaro Pena Bruno), Remonta Fijativo (Stefano Urtubey), VR Chaplin (Joaquin Lopez Picard. In second and third meanwhile we find two teams fielded by Brazil. In second, team Amarillo and in third team Verde.
To continue, the winner of the Children category for the individual discipline was Brazil’s Laura Bosquirolli Tigre with Cher da Boavista (0/0/0//0/0). Silver went to Paraguay’s Alexia Martinez with Quindaro and bronze to Argentina’s Richard Kierkegard with Du Noble.
Here are the rest of the results:
GOLD: Brazil Amarillo (4 penalties) – Attil Van’t Steenputje (Felipe Piza de Toledo de Lorenzo), Charleston Jmen (Paulo Roberto Brasileiro Miranda), Quite Capitano (Gabrielle Fontoura Berger), MD Quaster Jmen (Laura Ramos Rait)
SILVER: Brazil Verde (8 penalties)
BRONZE: Argentina Celeste (15 penalties)
GOLD: Filipe Baratella Risi (BRA, Vancouver de la Vaux)
SILVER: Gabrielle Fontoura Berger (BRA, Quite Capitano)
BRONZE: Felipe Piza de Toledo de Lorenzo (Attil van’t Steenputje).
GOLD: Brazil Verde (4 penalties) – Gizelle van de Watering (Maria Victoria David Ludwig), Q’Pleasure de Bacon (Pedro Grandi Backheuser), Alpha Condor (Lucas Teixeira Lima), Una Bella (Victoria Junqueira Ribeiro de Mendonca)
SILVER: Argentina Celeste (5 penalties)
BRONZE: Brazil Amarillo
GOLD: Santiago Orifici (ARG, Voloma)
SILVER: Victoria Junqueira Ribeiro de Mendonica (BRA, Una Bella)
BRONZE: Maria Victoria David Ludwig (Gizelle van de Watering)
GOLD: Brazil Verde (26 penalties) – Piaf de Quintin (Yasmin Almendros Marinho Santos), Noa Noa da Lagoa (Andre Moraes Mohr), Eye Catcher (Andre Joao Bacchi), Anneline (Thiago Aquino de Arruda Martins)
SILVER: Brasile Amarillo (44 penalties)
BRONZE: Argentina Celeste (85 penalties)
GOLD: Alberto Bento Sinibu (BRA, Sharapova)
SILVER: Thiago Aquino de Arruda Martins (BRA, Anneline)
BRONZE: Alexander Imschentzky (CHI, Salto Por Salto Centina).
Pic Lucio Landa/ Fei copyright