CSI3* Saint-Lo: watch today’s GP in live streaming on dailymotion.

Here is a brief update from the French event taking place at the CSI3* Saint-Lo and a look ahead to today’s GP.
After the winner was crowned yesterday in the national breeding championships, all the attention is now turned towards the main show-jumping event, the GP over 1.50m, which is set for this afternoon at 15.00. You can follow the GP in live streaming and for free at the following link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x28dmzy_saint-lo-2014-jsf-et-csi_sport?start=21
There are many stand-out names competing including Roger-Yves Bost, Lauren Hough, Patrice Delaveau, Marie Hècart, Timothèe Anciaume and Reynald Angot.
source: www.csi-saintlo.com