CSI5* – W Verona: a super Lorenzo De Luca rides to victory in the Miasuki GP with Zoe II.

de luca premiazione

Italian rider Lorenzo De Luca gave an outstanding display in Verona to win the Miasuki small GP over 1.55m with his mount Zoe II (Kannon) earlier today. De Luca was the only Italian representative to qualify for the jump-off where he was up against stiff competition in the form of Germany’s Marcus Ehning and Holland’s Maikel van der Vleuten amongst others.
However, those 2 riders on Singular LS La Silla and VDL Groep Arera C respectively both collected 4 penalties. The following meanwhile all scored clears: Katharina Offel on Quebracho Semilly, William Whitaker on Fandango and the Swiss riders Janika Sprunger on Uptown Boy and Jane Richard Philips on Upanisad di San Patrignano. De Luca likewise managed a clear but finished ahead of the competition after an unbeatable time of 38.50 seconds.
De Luca was happy and satisfied with the display from his mount Zoe whom he described as brilliant and worthy of the title as his top horse. Despite her 10 years of age, she has continued to show her abilities on demanding circuits like the one in Verona.
To see a full list of the results, please see here: http://eventcontent.hippoonline.de/961/sta_erg/05_ergENG.htm?style=longines

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