Culatore wins at the Arezzo Equestrian Centre.

Monta da lavoro Alessandro Culatore su Siella 1

The Arezzo Equestrian Centre has played host to the fourth edition of the Fitetrec Ante finals where Alessandro Culatore took the gold with Siella in the jousting discipline.
It wasn’t just national trials taking place and there were also regional ones for Tuscany, Umbria and Emilia-Romagna. (see photo)
The federal discipline aims to keep alive historical traditions and pay tribute to the past and saw two intense days of events at the Arezzo Equestrian Centre.
As mentioned above, Alessandro Culatore was crowned national champion ahead of Alberto Liverani with Amiternino and Cristian Salvi with Moshin.
The trio were joined at the prize-giving ceremomy by Fitetrec-Ante President, Alessandro Silvestri, the national discipline representative Nicola Biagini and the regional heads Andrea Acquisti (Tuscany), Roberto Parnetti (Umbria), Cesare Veloccia (Lazio) and Pietro Nanu (Marche).
The winner for the region of Emilia Romagna was Alberto Liverani with Amiternino while Tuscany’s winner was Alessandro Culatore with Siella. Tommaso Suadonioni with Otello took the win for Umbria and the focus now switches to 2016 and the fifth edition of the national championships.
Mariangela Cecchi

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