Equestrian World: horse trailer used to smuggle illicit stash of cigarettes.

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A vehicle towing a horse-trailer, and stopped for a routine check, was found to be carrying an illicit stash of cigarettes at the border between South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Border agents had stopped the vehicle for a routine check when it was discovered the driver did not even possess the right permit to transport a horse, which in the meantime was patiently waiting in the horse-carrier.
With suspicions aroused, the agents inspected further and became alarmed when the sound from the bottom of the trailer made an unusual noise when banged.
Their suspicions were proved correct, and once the trailer had been opened, the agents found false compartments hiding cartons of cigarettes of a value of 65.000 €. See here to read more: http://horsetalk.co.nz/2015/10/01/horse-trailer-stash-illicit-cigarettes/#axzz3nJNx4oGq

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