Exclusive interview with the british rider Laura Renwick

Laura Renwick Paulo Beckmam 1 0

The protagonist of this week’s “HSJ’s Interviews“ is one of the most important rider on the international scene: Laura Renwick, born in 1974, fifty-ninth in the FEI world ranking.
Laura currently lives in Maldon (Essex) with her husband and trainer, John Renwick, and her son, Jack.
She is known for her training skills and the ability to pass her knowledge to others. The Team Renwick has great experience in producing young horses and training them.
Laura has been an integral part of the British show jumping team for many years and at this moment dedicates her entire life to this sport, her greatest passion, as well as her family.
His most notable achievements include the indivual and in team second place in the FEI Nations Cup Final in Barcelona in 2015, with Bintang II. During the current year she collected numerous victories and top positions in the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour circuit.
Among her goals are the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo and the World Championship.
We contacted her to ask her a few questions about her career, her future plans and her horses.
Photo courtesy of Laura Renwick – PauloBeckmam ©

You started riding in Essex when you was a child. The family environment helped you. Your
mother was a show jumping judge and ran a riding school.
Did you have imagine that in the future this would have become your job?

Even though I grew up surrounded by horses I don’t think I ever thought this would be my life as it is now. Of course it was always a dream but I decided I had to make some money and followed different paths until finally I came back to the horses.  I actually wish I had pursued this from the beginning as I wasted a lot of years of my life away from what I loved.
When did you start competing? During your time as Junior /Young Rider did you have any particular trainers apart your mum?
I competed on ponies and then at a low level in junior/young riders and head help from my sister, Melanie Pimblett, who was also a rider.

Photo courtesy of Laura Renwick
We have read that for a while you quit competitions to be a flight hostess. Then you came back. Did you miss the show?
The whole time I was away from conceptions I missed it and still competed at a lower level when time permitted while I had some suddenly jobs. One of those being a flight attendant for British Airways which took me around the world and I did enjoy my time there very much.
Which are most important horses so far?
The most important horse in my career was Limelight de Breve. She was the one that took me from amateur level to my first Nations Cup and Grand Prix at International  level, I owe everything to her. Of course since then there have been some very important horses – Beluga, Rollercoaster, Oz de Breve, Bintang, Heliodor Hybris, Dublin V, Arkuga.
You had excellent horses like Dublin V e Arkuga. How many horses have you got at the moment?
At the moment we have a lot of horses, mainly young ones as we now also breed every year, all out of Kees that I used to compete at a high level such as Beluga and Parvati de Breve. I have Arkuga, Dublin, Bintang, Top Dollar older horses then some exciting 8 year olds Symphony and Claretina and the best 7 year old in the world right now, Cottee!! Then a lot of 6 years olds and younger coming through.

Photo courtesy of Laura Renwick
We would like to know how you spend your day, do you have any other hobbies?
I think it’s the same for everyone right now so not a lot else going on but the horses but I love all sport. Watching mainly but I like to play tennis and also try to keep myself fit walking my dogs and exercising regularly as I’m not getting any younger!!

Photo courtesy of Laura Renwick

Are you preparing for any future competitions?
Yes, I’m actually coming to Italy for the Nations Cup in Gorla Minore in a couple of weeks time and I hope to stay for a few weeks also competing in Montefalco
This period has been difficult for all riders. How have you dealt with it?
As I said before we are lucky that we have our horses at this time – we can still get outside and be in the fresh air and continue working with them even though the conceptions has stopped for a time we always have things to work on and with lots of young horses at home it has kept me very busy!

Photo courtesy of Laura Renwick

You are also a mum your son already started to ride?
My son doesn’t ride unfortunately but he is a great support to me and is very knowledgeable about the sport so he’s a real help to me. His passion is football.
Would you like to conclude giving an advice to all the young riders who have the ambition to undertake a brilliant career like the one you achieved?
You have to be able to deal with the lows as well as the highs and also have a lot of patience. Success isn’t given to you, you have to work for it and if you’re prepared to work hard you can achieve anything.

Photo courtesy of Laura Renwick – PauloBeckmam ©
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