Fixdesign International Show Jumping: the results.

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The stands have been packed over the past couple of days in Rome for the Fixdesign International Show Jumping. Here below are the results from yesterday and today:
In the morning, the young riders took centre stage with their ponies for the 125 against the clock which was won by local-rider Bianca Gazzè with Zibro (0/57.73). Following behind was Alessandro Orlandi with Manisha 2 (0/58.04) and Vlad Dumitru Stefanescu with Geronimo Van De Mispelaere (0/59.12). In the pony 115 category the podium was made up of Martina Cretaro with Olly III (0/58.92), Francesca Cicoria with Nice And Easy Ferme (4/64.21) and Matteo Testa with Badoo (4/67.37).
Moving on, but keeping our focus on youth, 76 pairs went head to head in CSI1* H115 against the clock.  Gaia Cancemi with Olimpix (0/49.77) came in first place while Cristina Pantalone with Roma Prima (0/50.57) and Giammarco Marigo with Lincolm II came in second and third place respectively.
In the next category up, the CSI2* H135, a total of 55 horse and rider combinations did battle but there could only be winner which was Emiliano Liberati with Verron (0/0-31.97). It was a step-up for the rider who had come third in the same category the day before. To continue, Paolo Adamo Zuvadelli with Piccolo S came second thanks to a double clear whereas Antonio Maria Garofalo with Zyquita SR finished third.
In the afternoon, it was the turn of the 1* H130 in which Susanna Romanò claimed first place with Pulco Ennemmelle (0/0-44.44). Elisa Ottobre with Serom (0/4-43.41) came second and Marcella Calabrese with Calla Blanca De Letrequerce (0/8-44.99) third.
In today’s big event, the winner was Giampiero Garofalo with Cipriano 5 (0/0-27.04). Emiliano Liberati with Florenzo VH Clavertje Vier (0/0-28.88) and Arnaldo Bologni with Quidich De La Chavee (0/0-29.32) rounded out the podium. The day came to a close however with victory for Guido Grimaldi with Nils Holgerson 11 in the 2* H130. Marco Ciucci with Dakota Bay (0/0-29.11) took second place and Vincenzo Cinelli with Olostru third.

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