Market: Electra van’t Roosakker back with Jos Lansink


Jos Lansink is set to be reunited with his former performer Electra van’t Roosakker (Carthago x Darko).
The talented bay mare had been sold to Swiss rider Janika Sprungen, with whom she made her debut on the international stage demonstrating her potential. However, there didn’t seem to be a strong enough bond between the two to take that partnership any further.
As a result, Electra is back on her way to her previous owner and the stables of Lansink. The return has filled the Belgian team with optimism ahead of the World Equestrian Games (WEG) in Normandy, but Lansink has urged calm amongst the group.
While it’s true that the bay is back in the Belgian squad, there is still no way of telling in what condition the horse is in and to instantly aim for the WEG could be seen as rushing things. Jos Lansink prefers to take things one step at a time and the first commitment for the returning Electra could be the Z-Tour in Lanaken, Belgium.
Meanwhile, Janika Sprungen has recently explained in greater detail her decision as to why she decided to part ways with Electra. The work and results were promising, but she did not believe that the bay was ready to compete in GPs. The Swiss rider added that the horse has great physical attributes and strength, but Sprungen felt that she was incapable of managing this in light of her small stature.
It’s believed that Sprungen will be looking to replace Electra with Geena van’t Roosakke and the emerging talent of Bacardi VDL, who is impressing and is not simply by chance the vice world champion in the 7 year old category.
It’s a true sign of Sprungen’s professionalism that she would detail the reasons as to why she has decided to send Electra back to her previous owner without saying a bad word about the horse. 

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