Sanne Thijssen awarded Rabotalent of the Year

Sanne Thijssen jpg 1

The youth riding is flourishing in Holland as it has always done.
Among the honors dedicated to this sector Rabotalent of the Year is undoubtedly the most popular and each year awards the best youth athlete belonging to the oranje nursery.
After Lisa Nooren last year, the Rabo Talent of the Year in 2016 this time is a rider: it is the eighteen year Sanne Thijssen, KNHS awarded during the ceremony at the International Jumping Amsterdam event.
Sanne Thijssen has a honours list that rivals professional riders, Dutch champion in 2016 in the Young Riders category with Quidam RB, silver medal team at the European Championships young riders, and has already won several Grand Prix and a victory in the Nations Cup in Wierden .
Sanne has just finished high school and expectations are very high.
photo: Sanne Thijssen, Equestrian Worldletter CHIO Rotterdam / KNHS

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