St-Lo Stallion Show a great success

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The breeding season is in full swing with the latest event taking place in France last weekend at the St-Lo Stallion Show thanks to the sponsorship of Haras Nationaux and Selle Française.
There were several top French studbooks present such as Haras du Bois Margot, Haras de Paul Schockemohle and Haras de Hus. Penelope Leprevost was also present as the guest of honour and presented some of the performers that were on display on Saturday.
Amongst the other guests of honour, there was also the Olympic Champion Peppermill with British rider John Whitaker.
The event was a great success with both days sold-out, in large part thanks to the organisation and the range of horses on display (125 stallions).
On the subject of similar events, an interesting initiative was held on the 17th of February at the Lamotte Beuvron Park in France.
The event was the first of a series of meetings with the intention of training breeders. There were 14 participants who took part in the meetings led by Herry Brugier, a national judge and breeder for Selle Française.
One of the main topics for discussion regarded the selection based on the maternal line and the role that this plays in the development of the breed, with an in depth analysis and discussion amongst the participants.
Finally, there are another 3 meetings scheduled: the 28th of February at the Lyon Veterinary School, the 19th of March in Auvergne and on the 21st of March in Borgogna.

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