The « leading women » of the International Jumping of Dinard

luciana diniz

From 2nd to 5th August, at the Val Porée stadium, the International Jumping of Dinard will be an opportunity to admire some of the best jumping riders in the world with their top horses. And among the 50 stars on the start list of this prestigious CSI 5*, a handful of ladies will confront their masculine counterparts on equal terms. Focus on these exceptional women who will be competing as well…
Luciana DINIZ (POR), 48 year-old
Born in a family which was deeply involved in the horse world, Luciana Diniz has been immersed from a very young age. From Brazilian origins, she starts riding at the age of 9, and shines on the dressage arenas in Sao Paulo. A 11 of age, she chooses to specialize in show jumping, before joining, at the age of 18, her trainer, Nelson Pessoa, in Belgium. International rider, she defends Brazil, until the 2006 World Equestrian Games, when she decides to ride for Portugal, her grandfather’s country. The current World n°29 has taken part in the Olympics (2016, 2012, 2004), World Championships (2006, 1994), 5 World cup finals (2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010) and 6 European championships (2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007).
Janika SPRUNGER (SUI), 31 year-old
Born from riders, and in a family of high level sports persons, very naturally, Janika starts riding ponies at the age of 4, and begins competing at the age of 8. 2005 marks her first selection in Junior championships, under Swiss colours, her native country. Many others will follow. In 2006, she wins her first team gold medal at the Young Riders European championships, ans reiterates the performance in 2008. As a Senior, she is selected for the Euro 2013 and 2015, when she wins the team bronze medal. Member of the Swiss team at the Olympics, Janika ended up 6th with her team. She shines today in the biggest show in the world, and stands 59th on the world ranking.
Gudrun PATTEET (BEL), 33 year-old
Precocious, at 2 of age, Gudrun starts riding Polly, a pony given by her parents as a gift. Associated to four different ponies, the young Gudrun clinches no less than 11 national titles in show jumping, Hunter and Dressage. She had found her calling. At the age of 13, she is crowned Belgium champion. This will only be the first of a long list of titles during her Junior and Young Riders career. International rider, she competes today at the highest level, and is regularly placed in the most prestigious shows of the planet.
Laura RENWICK (GBR), 44 year-old
At the age of 11, Laura starts riding in her mother’s riding center. Already all-rounder, she decides to head for show jumping forever. Thus, at the age of 18, she puts her riding ambitions aside, when she decides to find a regular job. For 3 years, she will successively be a stewardess, a salesperson in a retail shop, then went to Spain for a year. At 25, still hooked to horses, she comes back to show jumping after buying a young horse. The British rider is known for being one of the fastest in her discipline and for having accumulated the highest number of national and international victories. Laura Renwick, whose idols are Roger Yves Bost (FRA) and Marcus Ehning (GER), won the Tropicana Derby of Dinard in 2015 and 2016 with Rembrandt Blue, her faithful partner.
Pénélope LEPREVOST (FRA), 38 year-old
Pénélope Leprevost was not born in a horsy family. The young girl, who loves animals, falls in love with ponies after visiting a circus. At the age of 3, the timid child learns to ride in Rouen. Transformed when she is close to her horses, she joins the universe of competition at the age of 6, during the French championships in Lamotte Beuvron. Amator at first, she heads for a professional career in 2000, after passing her Baccalauréat. Talented, Pénélope’s career takes off in 2005. French National champion in 2006 and 2007, she is selected for the first time in the French team. After being for a long time among the World Top 10, she was selected 3 times for the European championships, (2017, 2015, 2011), 4 times for the World Cup finals (2016, 2015, 2013, 2010), rode 2 World Equestrian Games (2014, 2010), with a team silver medal each time, and rode in 2 Olympics in 2012 and 2016, when she clinched the coveted title of team Olympic champion.
Margaux ROCUET (FRA), 25 year-old
Born from riders, and managing their stables, Margaux fell into the cauldon of showjumping as a young girl. Hard working and very competitive, she competes in Children category. In 2008 and 2009, she is a member of the Junior team at the Junior European championships. In 2011 and 2014, she is selected for the Young Riders European championships. In 2014, her career will take another dimension, thanks to her collaboration with Edouard de Rothschild who lends her horses. The business man invites her to train in Germany with Luciana Diniz and Ludger Beerbaum, the German multi medallist. In 2015, the young rider from Britanny studies at the Rolex Young Riders Academy under Jos Lansink, the 2006 Dutch World champion. These mentors will build up her training and strength… The lady who admires so much Marcus Ehning (GER) and the French, Patrice Delaveau and Julien Epaillard, competes now on the same showgrounds as her idols.
If Laura Renwick already managed to win twice in a row with her magical Rembrandt Blue the Tropicana Derby, who among these women will write her name on the record of the Rolex Grand Prix of Dinard, so far under the control of the masculine gender?

Jumping International de Dinard (CSI 5*)
Complete program :
Free admittance. Food ans beverage available in the exhibitors’village.
TV Broadcast of the Tropicana Derby and Rolex Grand Prix of Dinard Live on beIN Sports and Live streaming on

French TV and Press
Véronique GAUTHIER (Consulis)

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