Victory To Ireland


Italy finished the Nations Cup in Copenhagen in ninth place. Victory went to Ireland led by Robert Splaine and a team made up of David O’Brien on Annestown (0/0), Jennifer Crooks on S.F. Urydi (0/8), Alexander Butler on WIllie Wimble (0/4), Dermot Lennon on Kalvinretto, (0/np) with a total of 12 penalties. Second place with 17 penalties went to Germany captained by Tjark Nagel and his team of Holger Wulschner on Cefalo (4/0), Thomas Voss on Carjinho (6/4), Janne-Friederike Meyer on Cellagon Lambrasco (4/4), Jorg Naeve on Calado 2 (0/np) and third place with a total of 24 penalties was Jur Vreiling’s Dutch team with Angelique Hoorn on Blauwendraad’s O’Brien (0/0), Suzanne Tepper on Alwinz Z (4/np), Nathalie Van der Mer on Valeska (0/16) and captain Vrieling on VDL Emmerton (np/4). The Italian team was led by Markus Fuchs and ended all square with Switzerland and Great Britain.
The Italian results in detail, Luca Maria on Neptune Brecourt, 13 penalties; Caludio Minardi on Onda di Valmarina, 8; Eleonora Zorzetto on Vumpaci vd Zuuthoeve 4. the only clear round was the last Italian rider Lorenzo Toscano on Rinaldo 163.

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