Welcome Back to the Kentucky Summer Horse Shows

Lexington, KY – July 28, 2021 – Kentucky Horse Shows LLC is pleased to welcome back competitors to the beautiful Kentucky Horse Park for the annual Kentucky Summer Series consisting of the Kentucky Summer Horse Show, Kentucky Summer Classic, USEF Pony Finals Presented by Honor Hill Farm, the Bluegrass Festival Horse Show and the KHJA Horse Show. Get ready for a summer filled with world-class competition in both the hunters and jumpers.
The Kentucky Summer Horse Show kicks off Wednesday, July 28, followed by the Kentucky Summer Classic and USEF Pony Finals Presented by Honor Hill Farm. Next up is the Bluegrass Festival Horse Show, a World Champion Hunter Rider Event host to a wide variety of hunter and jumper classes for competitors of all levels, including the USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Championships and the USHJA International Hunter Derby Championships. Rounding out the schedule is the KHJA Horse Show which includes the USHJA National Hunter Derby and $30,000 KHJA Grand Prix.
Are you looking to watch the competition in an exclusive seating area overlooking the Rolex Stadium? The Bluegrass Jockey Club is returning to the Kentucky Summer Horse Shows and will be situated on the elevated plaza on the west side of the stadium facing the in-gate.
Reservations are being taken for the following shows:
For more information, contact Abby Jones
561-436-4097 ankelesjones@icloud.com.
Kentucky Summer Horse Show
July 28 – August 1, 202
Kentucky Summer Classic
August 3 – 8, 2021
Bluegrass Festival Horse Show
August 17-22, 2021
Where: The Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky, site of the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games™ and home to the United States Equestrian Federation and the United States Hunter Jumper Association.
KENTUCKY SUMMER HORSE SHOW – July 28 – August 1, 2021
A World Championship Hunter Rider Event
$5,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby
$25,000 Kentucky Summer Classic
$50,000 Rood & Riddle Kentucky Grand Prix
$5,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby
$25,000 Kentucky Summer Classic
$50,000 Hagyard Grand Prix
$5,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby
$25,000 Bluegrass Festival Classic
$40,000 Bluegrass Festival Grand Prix, sponsored by Audi of Lexington
USHJA International Hunter Derby Championship
USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Championship
KHJA HORSE SHOW – August 25-29, 2021
$5,000 USHJA National Hunter Derby
$15,000 KHJA Welcome Stake
$30,000 KHJA Grand Prix
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily
Parking: Horse show exhibitors may purchase a weekly parking pass at the main horse park entrance for $15. Dogs are permitted at the Kentucky Horse Park on a leash.
Directions: The Kentucky Horse Park is located eight miles Northeast of Lexington, Kentucky, at Exit 120 on Interstate 75.
Information: Show Office – Phone 859-300-9899
Stabling: Call Pat Duncan 503-510-8797
Shopping: Vendors offering equestrian equipment, apparel, jewelry and home furnishings are located adjacent to the Stonelea Ring.
Management: Kentucky Horse Shows LLC
P.O. Box 11428
Lexington, KY 40575-1428
859-300-9899 (phone)
866-464-2962 (fax)
E-mail: hakshows@earthlink.net
Website: www.kentuckyhorseshows.com
Media contact: Libby Greene, Phelps Media Group
For more information about the Kentucky Horse Shows, please visit www.KentuckyHorseShows.com