EQUITABILE launch campaign to raise awareness about Autism.
To mark World Autism Awareness Day (Saturday, April 2) EQUITABILE® is set to organise a series of equestrian events.
The aim is to inform the public about Autism and other disabilities through the positive role that our equine friends can play in helping those affected.
EQUI-BLU is the name of the initiative and will be bringing together 26 equestrian centres and equestrian therapy associations to shed light on the subject through a range of fun and interesting activities where the horse takes centre stage.
The activities will be taking place in different parts of Italy, but you can also play your part too from home via the social campaign that has been launched alongside EQUI-BLU.
All you have to do is post via Facebook and / or Instagram a photo or selfie with your horse and with an item of clothing or accessory of the colour blue which is the colour for World Autism Awareness Day.
The hashtag is #equiblu and please see here for more: https://www.facebook.com/equiblu2aprile/