Giovanni Lucchetti chats to HSJ
The team for the Nations Cup in Rome is official with Natale Chiaudani, Giulia Martinengo, Juan Carols Garcia and Giovanni Lucchetti in the line-up.Giovanni Lucchetti will also be there at Piazza di Siena and is looking forward to the high-profile event after a positive end to the 2008 season.“It’s also a good start to this season,“ he said. We Italian riders have not always had the top horses at our disposal and with young mounts you need some time to train and prepare them.“I have this excellent horse called Boston and I hope it can bring me plenty of satisfaction. Boston is a well-built 12-year-old, with a good character.“There have been voices of disquiet about the team selection but as Lucchetti points out it is not for him to decide who rides for their country. Instead, he is looking forward to a positive four days at the Grand Prix.“I am bringing another horse which is from Holland too,“ he said. “It’s called Riviera and is 11-years-old. It’s already had good placings and hopefully it will do so in the future.“