Julien Epaillard: Speed and Precision in the Equestrian Arena

Julien Epaillard con Hoover, Photo- Mari Hongisto-9644

Meet Julien Epaillard, the renowned French rider known for his speed and precision in the equestrian world

Competing at the World Cup in Verona, Epaillard shares insights into his weekend, strategies for success, and his unique approach to horsemanship.

Weekend Success in Verona

The horseshowjumping.tv team met Julien Epaillard during the last day of the World Cup in Verona, Reflecting on his weekend, Epaillard was overall  pleased with his performance. 

My weekend started good yesterday with one victory in the 150 class with Hoover. Donatello jumped only the warm-up and the small class, and tomorrow normally he should jump the World Cup Grand Prix. And the other mare, Cancun Torrels, I’ve won with her yesterday, but I don’t have her since so long, so I’m happy, she jumps very well,” he states, indicating a promising start.

The King of Speed’s Winning Strategy

Known as the “king of speed,” Epaillard is asked about his winning strategy. His response is simple yet revealing: “Yeah, I start quick and after I try to go faster.” When queried about training for speed at home, he emphasizes, “I try to learn my horses to, in the competition, make a competition, not an exhibition.” This approach reflects his focus on competitive agility rather than mere spectacle.

Barefoot Horses and Systematic Approach

Epaillard’s distinctive approach includes keeping all his horses barefoot. He shares, “Yeah, I have all my horses like this. I really like it. It’s in my system. The horses go outside a lot, they go together.” This unique system has been in place for almost four years, and Epaillard expresses satisfaction with the results.

Adapting to Different Terrains

Addressing the challenge of shows on grass, where some horses may struggle without shoes, Epaillard explains, “No, I put the plastic shoes just before the show, and I take off just after the show.” This adaptive approach allows him to maintain his preferred barefoot system while catering to different terrains.

Future Goals and Olympic Aspirations

Looking ahead, Epaillard sets his sights on ambitious goals. “The final of the year will be tough because I want to qualify for the World Cup final, so I will do a lot of show, World Cup, and try to qualify for Riyadh,” he reveals. Additionally, he emphasizes the significance of the upcoming Olympic Games in France, stating, “I will try to prepare my horses for this. It’s very important for us French seen that the next Olympic Games will be held in France.

Dreams for Paris and Olympic Medals

On the prospect of a personal medal in Paris, Epaillard reveals, “Yeah, it’s a dream. At the moment we try to prepare the horses the best possible, to have no injury before, do the best program, arrive with the horses in top form there and after we see the sport will decide.

Championship Dreams and Advice for the Younger Generation

Despite numerous victories, Epaillard acknowledges a personal aspiration, saying, “I don’t have a championships medal, only one in the Eurpean championships,  but I win a lot of classes, but I don’t have a special title, like in the team Olympic, World Championship team. So my main focus and is to try to have a championship title like  this before I finish my career.” 

Offering advice to the younger generation, he keeps it straightforward: “Practice, look at your horses, make sure you know your horses inside and out , and practice.”

Julien Epaillard, with his speed, precision, and unique horsemanship, continues to leave an indelible mark in the equestrian arena.

As he competes and strives for new heights, his approach to training, adaptability, and unwavering determination set him apart. In his own words, “Practice, look at your horses, and practice” serves as a guiding principle for both aspiring riders and seasoned competitors alike.

V. Sozzi | Mari Hongisto (c) Photo

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