Nautilius Bank Jumping Cup

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Nautilius Bank Jumping Cup 2011, a young, innovative and entusiastic project. That’s the only description for the showjumping championship with the highest monetary prizes in the history of Italian horse events. <!–break–
€140,000 is the total up for grabs with €46,000 dedicated to the first grade circuit and €93,000 for the second grade.
With an interested and dynmaic sponsor like Nautilus bank has made a reality of all Italian horse riders’ dreams. An oppourtunity, not only for experts but for new comers as well.The initiative was born out of the recognition of the necessity that the equitarian sector needed to be remunerated at the right level, given the level of costs that riders and tehir staff incur in the arc of the sporting year with continual travelling incolved. Nautilius Bank Jumping Cup represents recognition for the riders and horses that manage to distinguish themselves for their sporting capacities. The objective is to award both the mamtuer riders thhsoe of the first grade and also the professionals int he second grade.The fast and professional preparation of the circuit which seems destined to become one of the most ambitous and used stage for Italian horses, is the fruit of a real effort from various parties. A synergetic project brought about thanks to the commitment of experts in the sector and also friend swith clear ideas.
The mis of professionalism and technical know how made the realisation of the Naitilius project both simple and effective.
The mechanisms of the championship were calibrated with the final aim of making all the wheels of the 5 month project turn as smoothly as possible, may to October will see awards going to the most deserving pairs.
The horserace courses that will award the championship points are the A type nationals, from 1 to 6 star.
The Nautilius Ban Jumping Cup project started in 2011 in Italy. A pilot project but with an imternational aim. The results are irrefutable. The presence of world champion jos Lansink as bears testimony to this.
To take part in the Cup is both simple and fast. Click on and follow instructions.

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