Wellington: WEF Sport Horse Auction a huge success.

WEF auction 1

15 promising stallion jumpers, with an age range of 4-8, were all put up for auction as part of the WEF Sport Horse Auction yesterday at Wellingtion, Florida.
The auction was one of the many events organised at the Wellington Equestrian Festival and the highest bid was for Fabriano VDL who went at auction for a cool 400.000 dollars. There were lots of requests for De Beers VDL (Douglas x Mermus) who was sold in the end for 190 thousand dollars. VDL Dorusino (Harley x Indorado) meanwhile was sold for a slightly higher price of 195 thousand dollars.
The average sale-price at the auction, which was organised by Equestrian Sport Productions with the VDL Stud, was around 136 thousand dollars.
source: VDL stud

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