Richard Greer: From Horseman to Therapist – A Journey of Healing and Understanding

Richard Greer From Horseman to Therapist _

A Renowned Horseman’s Evolution

Richard Greer, a first-generation horseman, has dedicated over 32 years to developing a unique skill set in understanding the entirety of the horse.

His vast experience encompasses various facets of the equestrian world, including extensive coaching from two exceptional Grand Prix riders: Mr. Ian Silitch of Ocala, Florida, in show jumping, and the late Mr. Ken Sudsbury in dressage and in-hand work in the UK. Beyond riding, Greer is an accomplished coachman, trained to drive horses up to four in-hand, with wide-ranging experience in carriage competitions, film production, and commercial spheres.

In 2003, he shifted his focus to equine rehabilitation and behavior, establishing a progressive program at his stables in England.

Utilizing his knowledge of why horses break down in training, Greer developed a unique approach to bring them back to health. His proficiency in equine bodywork, particularly Shiatsu Massage, acquired under the guidance of Shiatsu master Mr. Geary Whiting in America, has been instrumental in his success. Further education in England under Dr. Ray Smith and Mr. Pierre Antoye has enhanced his expertise.

Since becoming a qualified practitioner in 2007, Greer has offered his specialized services to elite equestrians worldwide. Additionally, he is trained as an Equine Dentist under Mr. Steve Sampson, recognizing the importance of dentistry in equine health. Greer’s contributions extend to writing magazine articles on training, rehabilitation, and saddle structure and effects. With a diverse competitive background in show jumping, dressage, endurance, carriage driving, and eventing, Greer has showcased his skills at the Open level in team chasing, navigating obstacles that command respect from seasoned riders.

Richard Greer From Horseman to Therapist
Richard Greer

Embarking on a Therapeutic Odyssey

Seventeen years ago, Greer found himself grappling with excruciating pain while riding in Florida. It was a pivotal moment that led him to seek treatment from Gooby Whiting, a renowned massage therapist. Greer vividly recalls the impact of Whiting’s therapy, stating, “I came out after one treatment and I wanted to run around the block. It hit me so hard that the treatment was so powerful.”

From Inspiration to Action: Merging Worlds

Inspired by Whiting’s transformative work, Greer embarked on a mission to master equine therapy. He credits Whiting for illuminating the path, saying, “Gary showed me the way… So it was a very easy transition for me to put those two together.” Greer’s immersion into equine therapy was fueled by his deep-rooted understanding of horses’ physical and emotional needs, cultivated over years of horsemanship.

Holistic Healing: Integrating Disciplines

Greer’s therapeutic approach encompasses a fusion of disciplines, including massage, saddle fitting, dentistry, and farriery. He emphasizes the significance of addressing underlying issues, such as overlooked dental problems, stating, “One of the biggest issues… are horses with wolf teeth that have been missed… Any tension in the jaw transfers back through the body as tension.”

Success Stories: A Testament to Dedication

Greer’s journey is adorned with numerous success stories, each a testament to his unwavering dedication. He recounts a poignant tale of a show jumper teetering on the brink of retirement due to dangerous behavior. Through meticulous bodywork and saddle adjustments, Greer was able to reignite the horse’s passion for jumping, averting what could have been a premature end to its career. “It would have most likely been put to fall if it hadn’t come to me,” Greer reflects.

Advocating for Change: A Vision for the Future

Beyond individual cases, Greer advocates for systemic change within the equestrian community. He underscores the importance of saddle fit and rider awareness, lamenting, “Many saddles are fitted on the narrow side… unfortunately, we often compromise the horse’s comfort.” Greer envisions a future where his expertise can influence positive change on a global scale, particularly in burgeoning equestrian communities in Asia.

A Journey of Compassion and Knowledge

As Greer continues to make strides in equine therapy, his passion for healing horses and riders burns brighter than ever. His journey exemplifies the transformative power of compassion, knowledge, and unwavering dedication. Through his work, Greer not only heals horses but also fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation for the profound bond between horse and rider.

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