Kevin Jochems: Navigating the World of Show Jumping

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Kevin Jochems, a 28-year-old equestrian talent from the Netherlands, is making waves in the world of show jumping. As he gears up for his first appearance at Kona, he introduces us to his trusty companions: Flying Jackie, Blacosta, and the promising Camilla Valera.

Competing at Verona

Kevin’s goals in Verona, where the team met with the talented Dutch rider  were clear and  straightforward: “I just want to do my best. Today, La Costa is taking on a big class, and Flying Jackie already had a go in a smaller one. One of them will jump in the World Cup on Sunday.” His pragmatic approach sets the tone for a rider focused on performance.

World Cup Season Aspirations

Looking beyond the current event, Kevin reflects on the World Cup season. “I qualified two years ago but couldn’t go. This year, making it to the World Cup final is the goal. The season is long, but that’s what I’m aiming for,” he explains, showcasing determination in the face of past setbacks due to the sale of his former top horse during the time of the World Cup Final.

Strategic Horse Lineup

As Kevin introduces his horses, he emphasizes the strengths of his top performers. “Flying Jackie and La Costa are my best horses at the moment. At home, I have, an experienced 11-year-old, and several promising 8 and 9-year-olds like Camilla Van  de Halle is already stepping up to the 5* level and she competed in Verona. They’re stepping up, and I consider myself fortunate to have good horses to work with,” he says, shedding light on the strategic planning behind his impressive string.

Olympic Dreams and Season Goals

With the talk shifting to the upcoming Olympic season, Kevin admits, “It’s more like a dream than a goal. I’ll try my best with my good horses.” Discussing broader goals for the season, he outlines his plans: “Consistency is key. I want to be part of the Dutch team, participate in Nations Cups, and climb the rankings. Essentially, I’m focused on delivering my best performances.”

Advice for Aspiring Riders

In offering advice to young riders, Kevin keeps it simple: “Work hard, be motivated, and love the sport. It’s not easy, but if you’re passionate, you can go far.” His pragmatic guidance reflects the realities of a sport that demands dedication and perseverance.

Continuous Growth and Dedication

Reflecting on his journey, Kevin expresses contentment but acknowledges the road ahead. “I’m happy with what I’ve achieved, but there’s a long way to go. Now with my own business, I work even harder than before I would say (laughs). It’s all worth it in the end,” he concludes, highlighting the ongoing commitment required in a sport that never stops evolving.

Kevin Jochems embodies dedication and strategic brilliance in his show jumping journey. With a focus on attainable goals and relentless effort, his path is one of consistent growth. As he faces the challenges of the sport, Kevin aptly summarizes, “It’s a sport where you never stop working hard, towards the achievements, everyday is a challenge in some way and it’s all about how you approach your day to day routine and goals that make the difference”.

V. Sozzi – Photo provided by Kevin Jochems Macqenzie Clark

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