The Rider Among the Waves: New Athletic Preparation Circuit

preparazione atletica in piscina

Challenge gravity with a pool workout to enhance your performance in the saddle

Athletic preparation plays a crucial role in horse riding, aiming to promote performance improvement and minimize the risk of injuries.

In collaboration with the professionals at Powerline Studio and Dr. Matteo Andreoli, we are excited to present an innovative pool training circuit.

Pool Workout: Approximately 1 hour, 2000 meters

A total of 2000 meters, divided into a series of targeted exercises, make for an ideal self-paced workout that will significantly contribute to your athletic preparation and improve your equestrian skills.

Warm-up: 300 meters (12 lanes of 25 meters each)

To start, dedicate yourself to a 300-meter warm-up, equivalent to 12 lanes of 25 meters each, in your preferred style. This gradual start is essential to prepare your body for the more intense training that follows.

Main Exercise: Repeat 4 Times

Repeat the following circuit four times:

100 meters backstroke (4 lanes): Stimulate your dorsal muscles, improving posture and stability in the saddle.
75 meters breaststroke (3 lanes): Strengthen leg muscles and enhance overall coordination.
50 meters fast freestyle (2 lanes): Utilize this segment to develop the speed and endurance necessary during competitions.

30-second rest between each stroke, with a 1-minute break between sets.

Leg Kickboard: 200 meters (8 lanes)

Use a kickboard for 200 meters, corresponding to 8 lanes. This exercise aims to strengthen leg muscles, essential for a firm and secure position in the saddle on your steed.

Maximum Speed: 6 Times 50 meters (2 lanes)

Dedicate six sessions of 50 meters, equivalent to 2 lanes each, to swimming at maximum speed in your preferred style. This will stimulate your endurance and improve your athletic readiness.

Cool-down: 300 meters (12 lanes)

Conclude your workout with 300 meters, 12 lanes, of relaxed swimming. This moment allows your body to gradually relax and recover from the intense training.

Keep following us to pursue peak physical fitness to excel in the world of horse riding.

For more circuits, visit the HSJ “All around sports” section.

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